Supported product versions

For RemoteLink, we will support the latest release of the current major version and the latest release of the previous major version. A six-month grace period will apply for supported versions upon a new major release. In addition, an individual release will be supported for at least one year from its initial release date (not including patch or hot fix releases). 

Current VersionRemoteLink 4.0
Release 2 (4.0.2x)
– Released August 2023
Previous VersionRemoteLink 3.5 (3.5.3x)
Release 3 (3.5.3x)
– Released June 2021
Outdated Versions
Version 4.0 R1 (4.0.1x)
– Support ended January 2024
Version 3.5 R2 (3.5.2x)
– Support ended December 2021
Version 3.5 R1 (3.5.1x)
– Support ended September 2020
Version 3.1 R2 (3.1.2x)
– Support ended July 2023
Version 3.1 R1 (3.1.1x)
– Supported ended October 2019
Version 3.0 R1
– Support ended September 2020
Version 2.5 R1
– Support ended November 2019
Version 2.3 R1
– Support ended March 2018
Version 2.1 R1
– Support ended February 2017
Version 2.0 R1
– Support ended December 2016

About RemoteLink

RemoteLink is a solution that can solve almost any distributed data delivery and system maintenance task. It helps ensure critical data is moved efficiently and securely. It also includes tools that help manage applications and standardize configuration on distributed devices. RemoteLink is incredibly flexible. Many of our customers consider it the Swiss Army knife for managing their distributed devices.

Our integrated scripting makes it easy for administrators to create functions tailored to their specific needs. These functions can be scheduled or triggered dynamically as needed. As workflows execute, the results are logged for review and auditing. Finally, hooks and triggers are provided for integration with other systems when desired.

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